
Unipal Cpabilities Provide Full Service Value Added FMCG Infrastructure


Market Logistics

Unipal operates the biggest most advanced full-service supply chain and logistics.

Our state of art warehouses are the biggest in the Palestinian territories, managed through advanced warehouse management systems, and complement the end to end supply chine management system.

Unipal operates 2 distribution centers in Ramallah (Food/Cold Storage & Non Food), one in East Jerusalem and one in Gaza.

  • The most advanced distribution center (DC) in Palestine.
  • Ramallah DCs are 8,700 sqm, capacity of more than 12,500 pallets.
  • Safety Stock of 45 days is kept at the WHs
  • Special storage area :The DC is designed to store products that requires special storage conditions; cold /freezing conditions, ambient conditions, and special controlled storage areas.
  • Centralized control via warehouse management systems
  • Product manipulation capability up to 50k units daily.
  • Shipping Team of 30 people operate 15 Trucks to deliver products within 24-72hr from order per perfect orders criteria.
  • Vans Operations: active 8 vans mainly in the food & confectionary division to secure direct coverage.
  • Vehicle Management & monitoring technologies
  • Import and local purchase & procurement management
  • Cost-efficient shipping routes
  • Production to shelf route management, sales forecast efficiency to satisfy market demand, with optimal case fill rates.
  • Product registration and compliance to authority’s regulation
  • Labelling
Route to Market

Unipal Route-to-Market strategy is derived from its Mission & Values, by providing full-service value-added FMCG distribution in the Palestinian market. Our company distributes high-quality branded FMCG products to every household via operating best in class Go-To-Market practices, for which trade and consumers reward us with leading sales and profits.

And to fulfill this mission, during the past 25 years, Unipal has built a remarkable reputation in the market as being a trusted partner with the local trade, by offering an inclusive route to market to all trade channels, it being HFS high-frequency stores (traditional stores, groceries), modern trade, wholesalers, pharmacies, cosmetics stores, roasteries & creperies, as well as HORECA.

Palestine is a traditional market, a caecum of personal relationship, win-win approach, and innovative market practices, custom service to each customer, resulted in mutual trust, a cornerstone for Unipal business.

Channel Operations

Market Landscape: A traditional market based on a network of Wholesalers, who distribute to smaller retail stores, modern trade is still has the smallest share in the market.

Total Universe

~ 9,000 stores

Of turnover (Weighted Av)

Traditional trade & small supermarkets

~ 7,600 stores

74% of turnover


~   550 stores

20% of turnover

Modern Trade

~    6 stores

4 % of turnover

 Specialized Teams

To achieve best in class coverage, Unipal sales force is divided into a group of specialized sales teams, who focus on brand distribution and availability.

Unipal has a dedicated sales team for each business line and business channel, Tobacco team, IQOS team, Food & Nonfood retail teams, and dedicated Confectionary van operations, and the list doesn’t stop here.

A dedicated merchandising unit specializes in the visibility and implementation of 15 years old loyalty program.

Although modern trade is the smallest fraction of the market, yet it’s the fastest-growing one.

Unipal has a dedicated sales team, who in cooperation with the marketing and commercial team, partner with Key Accounts on a long-term win-win partnership through a joined business plan/contract.

This partnership enables Unipal to maximize its portfolio availability, visibility, and competitiveness.

Building a partnership win-win relationship with the trade is a customized effort, Unipal has a dedicated team and multifunction structure to execute best in class commercial programs, driven from deep market dynamics understanding and long term relationship with the customer, via deploying

  • Golden Store Program – a 15 years old legacy retail loyalty program
  • Commercial Offering – a handcrafted value chain leading towards recommended shelf price, utilizing countless commercial tools, such as trade offers, annual and quarterly incentives, logistics incentives, among others
  • Trade Marketing – dedicated approach to ensure best in class visibility achieved in stores, utilizing custom made displays and POSM materials


  • Systems Development
  • Suppliers (Brands Pipeline)
  • Regional Expansion

      Corporate Support Functions

  •  Strong Financial position
  •  Efficient collection policy
  •  The credit rating system in place
  •  Solid Financial Accounting System (MS Dynamics) 
  •  Strong Corporate Affairs:

    • Governments Ministries
    • Legislation Bodies “PSI, ISI, PCBS, Consumer Protection”


     Member and represented on board in many associations:

    • Ramallah Chamber of Commerce
    • American Palestinian Chamber of Commerce
    • Palestinian Shippers Council
    • Palestine Trade Center
    • Achieving higher efficiency every day, enabling data-based decision making, using these tools among others:
      • Business Continuity Plan in Place ( EY- BCP)
      • ERP System (MS Dynamics),
      • BI system (Tableau),
      • Mobile Sales (IVY Mobility), 
      • Sales Forecast ( Sales Forecast Pro)
      • Workflow processing ( Laserfiche)
      • Balanced Scorecard (Scoreboard),
      • HR System (MENA ME)
      • Real-time distributor connection (ISIS, DI, CFR)  

    • Unipal operates advanced business infrastructure systems among which: 
      • Advanced network & servers
      • Advanced firewalls & data protection protocols
      • Advance surveillance
      • Advance security alarm systems ( fire, natural disaster,,, etc.)
      • Vehicle tracking & safety systems


A robust HR system is in place to manage the growing organization, including:

  • Recruiting and career development
  • Evaluation and rewards
  • Training and professional capacity development
  • Health & job well being 
  • Internal culture & team building


    • Unipal deploys P&G global distributer systems across all functions which are considered our backbone for operational excellence. 
    • Unipal is complying with P&G QA standards with full implementation of the 19 Key Elements
    • Operational reports for all KPI’s and scorecards are available and periodically shared with our partners.
