Result oriented, professional & passionate leadership team, arrange Unipal organization towards business success

In 1997 Imad joined APIC as Chief Accountant – Siniora Food Industries-Palestine, since then he acted as CFO and COO for several APIC subsidiaries including Unipal. Also Imad is a board member of APSC, AmCham, among other Palestinian companies.
Imad is a graduate of Bethlehem University with a degree in Accounting & Business Administration, a Certified CPA, and participated in various executive courses from top institutes.
Hisham graduated from Birzeit University with BA degree in Accounting.
Abdeljalil held a position of Sales & Marketing Manager Siniora Food Industries-Palestine an APIC subsidiary, then moved into different functions at Unipal mainly in Sales, Marketing, Operations and Business Development.
Abdeljalil graduated from Birzeit University with MBA & BA degree in Business Administration.
Abdeljalil held a position of Sales & Marketing Manager Siniora Food Industries-Palestine an APIC subsidiary, then moved into different functions at Unipal mainly in Sales, Marketing, Operations and Business Development.
Abdeljalil graduated from Birzeit University with MBA & BA degree in Business Administration.
In 2016 Irena Kawwas rejoined Unipal to drive company’s growth and acquisition of new businesses.
Previously Irena acquired commercial, marketing and business development experience handling consumer business in Palestine, since joining Unipal as junior staff in 1998, spent 3 years with FMCG multinational P&G in Europe, held FMCG sales & marketing position in MSS, APIC subsidiary.
Irena holds MBA degree from Northwestern University, High Diploma in Marketing & BA in Science from Birziet University.
Sales and Marketing Director/ Tobacco and Ooredoo
Qais Maghari joined Unipal in 2006, since then he moved the corporate ladder from junior sales representative in consumer goods, through various supervisory & managerial positions in both sales & marketing, gathering a substantial experience.
Since 2018 Qais heads the both Tobacco & Telecom businesses, Qais put his experience to strengthen and modernize operations in his unit.
Qais holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Al Azhar University in Palestine.
Business Support and Development Director
He had a role in the acquisition process when Unipal acquired Al Jihan company in 2020  in Jordan. and since then, Nassar has became the Business Support and Development Director for both the Palestinian and Jordanian markets.
In 2017, alongside his team he successfully launched IQOS products in Palestine, operating several IQOS retail shops, and exclusive consumer engagement program.
Nassar joined Unipal in 2016, with solid managerial and business experience in Saudi Arabia with Gulf Taleed, as Consumer Engagement Manager. As well as experience in PR, project management, marketing, and sales
Since joining Unipal in 2009 as junior staff in Supply Chain Department, Mohammad gathered substantial experience managing the supply chain FMCG operations, covering all aspects of purchases functions, import logistics & operations. Mohammad implemented robust & efficient work cycle within SC function, and he was quickly promoted to assume higher corporate responsibilities.
Mohammad graduated AAU-Palestine with bachelor’s degree in Accounting.
Amr overseas the core of Unipal operations, managing the biggest and most advanced Distribution Center in Palestine, with best-in-class storage, handling, and shipping systems.
Amr holds Master of Business Administration and BA in Finance from Birzeit University.
Asma Imtir is the Human Resource Manager at Unipal since 2011. Asma joined the company in 2003, as administrative assistant, since then she moved up the corporate ladder with acquired experience in HR management, recruitment, training, and administration. Asma had introduced up to date HR systems of compensation management & performance evaluation, as well as engagement with growing Unipal team.
Asma holds Computer Programing degree, alongside with several HR qualifications.
Beside his current position, since 2019, Ayman acts as General Manager for Capital Tobacco Company.
Ayman holds BA in Finance from Birzeit University.