Our People are the Driver to Unipal’s Success
We attribute our success to the team of +250 women and men who are showing exceptional dedication, resilience and agility every day.
We recruit and retain best in class talent to the company.
We guide our people through their careers and professional development by custom trailered development programs to their individual needs, thus ensuring professional capacity to support our expansion needs.
We foster a culture of “Can Do” attitude, whereas as a team we can drive Unipal business from one successful mile store.
Unipal’s organizational structure encourages agility and individual responsibility.
Our People are the Key Pillar of our values
Unipal recognizes the value of people in business growth and continuity.
Unipal recruits the best in class employees and provides long term careers.
Unipal thrives on long term relationships with suppliers, customers and employees.
We are proud of our female employee community, and we take women empowerment seriously, following APIC “Women Inclusion Initiative” guidelines.
Nowadays14% of Unipal team are females, ahead of national percentage and is constantly growing.
Giving Back
Unipal team and leadership participate in APICs “CSR Engagement for Impact” program, a first of it kind in Palestine, the team volunteer with their knowledge and time with local community organizations.
Unipal’s CSR are consolidated under APIC to maximize impact (Link) , we support activities in these sectors among others:
- Orphans, Families and Persons with Special Needs
- Youth and Education
- Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship
- Youth and Sport
- Health and Medical Care
- Culture and HeritageÂ